Saturday, September 26, 2009

Light in the midst of Darkness vol. 1

I will preface the following with my recognition for allowing myself to tolerate and participate in the convolution of my belief foundations, my walk, and what I reflect. Let's call it what it is, hypocrisy. This is so that the pure truth of what I will share may resound and not fall to the wayside. To those whom I have not shown the truth of what I believe, let today be the beginning of this. To those with whom I have demonstrated the pure reflection of my savior Yeshua this is an affirmation of that. Where is this coming from? There's a stirring in my spirit that has been dormant recently due to many issues and circumstances that I have face in recent months.
With that said I would like to give credit for stirring this in my spirit, to Brother G. Craige Lewis of The Lord is using this man with a message to the church and the young generation in our churches. Why preach to the choir? Well this is because Lucifer has targeted the church to destroy it and completely kill the move of the Holy Spirit in them.
The truth is that many of us have tolerated, included, and even enjoyed the music and the lifestyles that are poured into us via TV, radio, and the internet. I have been a big proponent of being careful to what I watch or allow myself to listen to. Why? Because in this information age there so much junk that is pumped out from people who are disturbed, hurt, and needing of a savior. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. One of the top 5 movies on the box office is “Jennifer’s Body”, a movie about a girl who’s possessed by demons and feeds on human beings, while engaging in promiscuous sex. Read the lyrics to the top 5 songs on the billboards, and they all talk about the lifestyle of parties, drugs, drinking, and sex. What I’m getting to is that the world agenda is pushed on to us, and the more we allow it to infiltrate our minds and surroundings the more we become anesthetized and let it consume us. We buy what they tell us to buy, we dress like they say we need to dress; we live how they say we must live. Don’t believe me? Why do you do what you do? Where did you get that idea or why did you come to the realization that this is what you need. You got the idea from something you heard or saw?
There is great power in knowledge. Why? Well because your decisions are based on what you know and don’t know. If you knew that there was an accident on the highway you take home from work, you would try to find an alternate route. If you didn’t know you would be stuck in traffic for hours. You see you decide based on what you know. How do you come to the conclusions that you come to? They are based on the information that is given to you. What if you found out that the information you are given is controlled and designs to form a pattern of thought that is not necessarily yours but picked for you. That is what we are faced with daily.
So my rant is solely to help anyone and everyone wake up and see what is really going down in our world. In the coming editions of this blog I will share information as well as attach links to videos of Brother G. Craige Lewis and others that are shedding the light on the darkness that is our world today. “He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelations 2:29.